Getting around the dreaded "Last Modified by System Admin"


First off, I love Salesforce, but don't you wish that Salesforce would just let you hit a record and ignore the fact that you, the System Administrator, edited the record so that metrics wont get skewed by your edits? Many sales & support managers monitor the Last Modified By field. But, they just dont like it when we push new function into the system and we are forced to do a mass update of 10,000 records. 

I'm sure Salesforce will resolve this issue in 10 years (safe harbor). Here is a really quick workaround to resolve this issue! 


  1. Create a new text field field called: Last Modified by Name NonAdmin.

  2. Create a new datetime field called: Last Modified by NonAdmin D/T.

  3. Create a new formula field called: Last Modified by NonAdmin and concatenate the previous two fields so you simulate the "Name Date Time" function.

  4. Create a workflow that evaluates when the object system field LastModifiedById field is changed AND not the same as the user editing.

  5. Create a field update to stamp the D/T field when this occurs.

  6. Create a field update to stamp the Name field with the user's full name


For more specific details about this method check out my highlights section. 

For those of you who want the system Last Modified field to be able to dynamically ignore a specific profile, go vote on that idea: